Friday, June 11, 2010

Votings and 'Tokio Hotel Fever'

The twins have been nominated for's sexiest vegetarian!
vote for them here.

And Darkside of the Sun is currently in top 5 for 913FM's Hot 30 countdown! Please continue voting for this song until it's released officially. We're aiming for #1 again, like we did with World Behind My Wall. Thank you!

Also, the biography book 'Tokio Hotel Fever' is available in Singapore's KINOKUNIYA for S$29.73.
According to DyKaulitzTH on twitter, the book is currently out of stock and new ones will only come in in approx 5-6 weeks. You can try making orders right now and who knows? You might get lucky. :D

Thank you for sharing this with us, DyKaulitzTH!