Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Remember S-H-S? And Gustav's Birthday~

Brace yourself, this is one hell of a long entry... Remember S-H-S? Yes, that's the abbreviation for...

We asked for people to participate to win an autographed Poster, a CoC and keychains! We didn't get an overwhelming amount of entries but the few of you who entered, you guys certainly gave us your best and most creative efforts!

With that! None of you who entered will walk away empty handed!


1st place goes to...


You should see how wide our grins were when we saw this entry. Congratulations on winning first place! We're sure that poster is now up on your wall? xoxo!

2nd place goes to...


We'll contact you soon to ask for your address so that we can mail over the CoC DVD to you!

You've successfully made us here, crave for cakes and brownies in the wee hours of morning when we were going through the entries. We sure do hope that you had a delicious birthday with your family! We wanted a slice but perhaps next time? Delicious!

Here's your prize!

And as promised, there are prizes as well for the rest!


A very heartfelt thank you with the videos that you've put in effort to do and we're swarmed with emotions at the quotes and the old footage of the guys in these videos. It's a very heartfelt Happy Birthday Video indeed.

Here's what we're giving you!


We really like the fact that you've used Skittles for Tom's name and Crystals(?) for Bill's... If it was up to us, we wouldn't waste the Skittles but just eat it xD But Thank YOU! for your entry :)

Here's what we're giving you!


The message that you've written can be said for behalf of the entire fans in Singapore. Nothing will beat the feeling of being able to see your favourite band and experiencing the best concert ever. We are with you, we definitely hope to get more of TH in Singapore in the near future!

Here's what we're giving you!


And FINALLY! Here's a video of a mini gathering we had to celebrate Gustav's Birthday~


It was a delicious Cookies & Cream Ice Cream cake! Thank you for those who made it at such a short notice!

WE hope to hold more of such outing for all fans. Remember the BBQ event that was postponed due to Tokio Hotel coming to Singapore? We're definitely resuming the event only at a much later date. It'll be in planning stages so keep an eye out for it okay?

We're looking forward to meet more vocal and outgoing Singaporean fans. We've spot a few and recognized some. If you are, just shout a hello to us be it here, at the forum, twitter or at our personal accounts. We'd love to get to know you guys! Who knows what we have in store for you?

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